Our visit to Potlot and a secret video message…

Kunjungan ke Potlot dan pesan video rahasia…

It was still quiet at Potlot when we arrived… We were picked up by Andre OPA Sumual, Chief Editor of the awesome popular music, attitude and lifestyle magazine TRAX – if you haven’t already, check it out here for all things musical! Andre organised for us a special meeting with the famous band SLANK. After admiring the posters illustrating the ambassador work SLANK has been doing for Profauna, we were invited upstairs. The room was light and had comfortable couches and chairs creating a cozy atmosphere. The far wall was decorated with the well-known SLANK logo….. picture time!

Potlot masih sunyi ketika kami tiba…. Kami dijemput oleh Andre OPA SUmual, Kepala Editor majalah music dan gaya hidup yang sangat keren, TRAX. Kalau kalian belum membacanya, klik di sini untuk membaca semua tentang musik! Andre sudah mengatur agar kami bisa bertemu dengan band terkenal SLANK. Setelah mengagumi poster-poster yang menggambarkan pekerjaan SLANK sebagai ambassador Profauna, kami diundang naik ke lantai atas. Ruangan di atas terang dan suasananya nyaman. Logo SLANK yang terkenal menghiasi salah satu dinding. Waktunya berfoto!

We are very happy to have the SLANK band members as our Ambassadors! Kami sangat senang bisa memiliki anggota band SLANK sebagai ambassador!


A big thank you to Andre OPA, chief editor of TRAX Magazine, for organising our meeting with SLANK! Terima kasih banyak pada Andre OPA, kepala editor majalah TRAX, yang telah mengatur pertemuan kami bersama SLANK!

We heard the door open and there was… Ivanka! He welcomed us with a big smile. He gave us the opportunity to explain more about our Selamatkan Yaki programme. We gave an overview of our current activities and our future plans, including this year’s Yaki Pride Campaign in Tomohon and Langowan. Ivanka then asked if we also focused on other endemic species (animals unique to a certain area). Good question! Well, by protecting the yaki and their habitat, we safeguard the forest and all the animals in it! Other endangered and endemic animals such as the anoa, maleo and tarsier benefit from this protection and by eliminating the threats to these species the balance in the ecosystem can be restored. Soon we were joined by Abdee, SLANK’s guitarist, who was born in Sulawesi and, like the other band members, feels a great sense of responsibility to save and protect Indonesian’s wildlife and jungles. 

Kami mendengar pintu terbuka… Dan muncullah Ivanka dengan senyumnya yang lebar! Ia mendengar dengan seksama ketika kami menjelaskan program Selamatkan Yaki. Kami menjelaskan kegiatan-kegiatan kami sekarang dan rencana kami ke depan, termasuk Kampanya Yaki Pride tahun ini di Tomohon dan Langowan. Kemudian Ivanka bertanya jika kami juga menangani spesies endemic (spesies yang hanya bisa ditemukan di daerah tertentu) lain. Pertanyaan yang bagus! Dengan melindungi yaki dan habitatnya, kita bisa melindungi hutan dan semua hewan yang tinggal di situ! Hewan endemic dan terancam lainnya, seperti anoa, maleo, dan tarsius juga menerima manfaat dari perlindungan ini, dan dengan meniadakan ancaman terhadap spesies-spesies ini,keseimbangan ekosistem dapat dipulihkan. Tidak lama kemudian, gitaris SLANK, Abdee, bergabung dengan kami. Abdee lahir di Sulawesi dan seperti anggota band yang lain, turut merasa bertanggung jawab untuk menyelamatkan dan melindungi satwa liar dan hutan Indonesia.


Abdee and Ivanka watching the film “Yaki, the protectors of the Forests”, an edited version of BBC’s “Meet the Monkeys!Abdee dan Ivanka menonton film “Yaki, sang penjaga hutan”, versi editan dari “Meet the Monkeys!” BBC. 

Beautiful design by Apandi Usman! Desain yang indah oleh Apandi Usman!

We showed the BBC documentary about the yaki in Tangkoko Nature Reserve: “Yaki, sang penjaga hutan” (“Yaki, protectors of the forests”) and despite a technical difficulty (speaker-problems! :S) our special audience seemed intrigued by meeting some of the residents of Tangkoko through this virtual look inside their lives. Empathy showed on everyone’s face when Kacang/Peanut was introduced, an unfortunate yaki who lost his hand when he was little after being caught in a snare (trap). Kacang will never become an alpha male, a leader of his group, due to this accident which he luckily survived. For the purpose of spreading the message about these unique macaques, an edited version of the beautiful BBC documentary was handed to Abdee with the front cover specially made by designer Apandi Usman. Meanwhile, Kaka, Bimbim and Ridho had delighted us with their presence. Time to reveal our campaign logo and slogan! 

Kami menunjukkan film documenter BBC mengenai yaki di Cagar Alam Tangkoko: “Yaki, sang penjaga hutan” dan di samping beberapa kendala teknis (speaker bermasalah!) penonton istimewa kami tampak sangat terkesan ketika mengintip kehidupan penghuni Cagar Alam Tangkoko melalui film documenter ini. Ekspresi empati terlihat ketika Kacang diperkenalkan, seekor yaki malang yang kehilangan tangannya ketika kecil akibat jerat. Kacangtidak akan pernah menjadi pejantan alpha, atau pemimpin kelompok, akibat kecelakaan yang bisa saja merenggut nyawanya. Untuk menyebarkan pesan mengenai makaka unik ini, salinan film documenter BBC yang diedit khusus diberikan pada Abdee dengan cover yang didesain khusus oleh desainer Apandi Usman. Sementara itu, Kaka, Bimbim dan Ridho turut meramaikan pertemuan kami. Saatnya menunjukkan logo dan slogan kampanye kami!


“We protect the yaki because we care!” is the slogan of our new Yaki Pride Campaign! “Torang jaga yaki karna torang peduli!” adalah slogan Kampanye Yaki Pride yang baru!

This amazing logo is designed by illustrator Oriana Chalbaud from Venezuela, illustrating the enthusiasm of yaki lovers around the world! Logo yang luar biasa ini didesain oleh Oriana Chalbaud, seorang illustrator dari Venezuela, dan menggambarkan antusiasme pencinta yaki di seluruh dunia!

Time to fill in the still empty spot with some awesome signatures!! Waktunya mengisi ruang kosong dengan beberapa tanda tangan!

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But, we were not yet done for the day! Another way in which SLANK had offered to help our campaign and cause was by giving the yaki a musical voice: a special video message from SLANK to their followers, the SLANKERS… There was many laughter and a cheery air during the recording session of this SECRET message which will be launched on the Selamatkan Yaki Facebook Page and Website at the start of our campaign (date will be announced)!! So keep an eye out everyone!

Tapi acara hari ini belum selesai! SLANK menawarkan cara lain untuk membantu kampanye kami. Mereka menyumbangkan music bagi yaki: pesan video istimewa dari SLANK bagi fans mereka, para SLANKERS… Banyak canda tawa dan suasana ceria selama sesi rekaman pesan RAHASIA ini. Pesan ini akan diluncurkan di halaman Facebook dan website Selamatkan Yaki pada awal kampanye kami (akan segera diumumkan!) Jadi, terus ikuti perkembangan!


Selamatkan Yaki’s Ambassadors in the music industry! Many thanks SLANK! Ambassador Selamatkan Yaki di industry music! Terima kasih SLANK!

Lastly we had a peek In SLANK’s nicely styled…. studio!!! Our campaign banner was proudly hanged, matching their red, black and white walls.

Akhirnya kami mengintip ke dalam studio SLANK! Banner kampanye kami dipajang dan serasi dengan dinding-dinding merah, hitam dan putih di dalam studio.


A peek inside SLANK’s studio… Mengintip dalam studio SLANK…


This is where all the magic happens! Di sinilah keajaiban tercipta!

After such a wonderful afternoon, we left with our spirits up (as high as the clouds)! Harry and I were taken by SLANK’s dedication to their fans. An amazing band who share their lives through music and at the same time aim for a better, safer, cleaner and balanced environment for all Indonesian people!

Setelah siang yang sangat menyenangkan, kami berpisah dengan semangat tinggi (setinggi langit)! Harry dan saya sangat terkesan dengan dedikasi SLANK terhadap fans mereka. Band yang luar biasa yang membagikan hidup mereka melalui lagu, sekaligus memperjuangkan lingkungan yang lebih baik, aman, bersih dan seimbang bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia!

With SLANK’s efforts, the Critically Endangered yaki will have a chance to be in the spotlight both nationally and internationally. By connecting music, as powerful medium, with the conservation of our endangered hairy cousins, we will reach many people who will hopefully open their eyes and realise: “Now is the time to take action! We have to protect the yaki and our forests to secure a wealthy and healthy life for our children and the generations to come!” We would like to give a big TERIMA KASIH (thank you) to SLANK!!! The Selamatkan Yaki team feels very privileged to have these amazing band members as our ambassadors.

Dengan usaha SLANK, yaki yang keberadaannya sangat terancam akan memiliki kesempatan untuk disoroti secara nasional dan internasional. Dengan menggabungkan music sebagai media yang berpengaruh luas dengan usaha konservasi sepupu-sepupu kita yang berbulu lebat, kita dapat menyadarkan dan menggerakkan masyarakat luas: “Sudah saatnya kita bertindak! Kita harus melindungi yaki dan hutan kita untuk memastikan kehidupan yang sehat dan sejahtera bagi anak cucu kita!” Kami ingin menyampaikan TERIMA KASIH sebesar-besarnya bagi SLANK!! Tim Selamatkan Yaki merasa sangat terhormat bisa bekerja sama dengan band yang luar biasa ini sebagai ambassador.

We would furthermore like to give special thanks to SLANK’s manager Shanti, Andre OPA, Grace O’Nelwan and Mia Adhitya for their support and commitment to our programme, and for sharing their networking talents and herewith bringing us in touch with these wonderful ambassadors!

Kami juga ingin berterima kasih pada manajer SLANK Shanti, Andre OPA, Grace O’Nelwan, dan Mia Adhitya untuk dukungan dan komitmen mereka pada program ini, dan juga karena telah membagikan talenta networking mereka dan menghubungkan kami dengan ambassador yang luar biasa ini!

Greetings – Salam,


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5 thoughts on “Our visit to Potlot and a secret video message…

  1. Dear Thirza, I loved your blogpost about Yakis new ambassadors!!
    Amazing to see how far things have been developed 🙂
    Keep up the great work, all of you!

    • Hey Lynne!
      How are you? So nice to read your amazingly quick and positive response!! Indeed our preparations for the Yaki Pride Campaign are going great!! Hope all is well! Best wishes, Thirza

  2. Pingback: Ayo Selamatkan Yaki!!!!! | Slank

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